
“Trick your mind to think big for Success, top 5 most effective ways”

Sana Zia:9/23/2024

It is suggested:

Don’t overthink once you plan something. Before planning think as much as you can. But once the decision is taken then stop thinking and start working towards the fulfillment of the plan. And the bigger the decision is, the more active and harder the plan should be.

What is success and how important it is for social existence?

Success is an absolutely individualized and diverse plan that differs from person to person. For some people, it means financial security, while some define it as personal growth, happiness and the ability to contribute to society and the world. But in reality, success is attaining goals that complement one’s values, passions and aims. It involves setting specific goals, passing through obstacles and consistently progressing towards growth and improvement. So, success is an ongoing process of growth, learning and adaptability. It can be defined as becoming a more refined and the best version of oneself while positively contributing to the world. But this road to success expects self-reflection, endurance, and dedication towards one’s goals.

Role of Success on Social Existence

Success is considered more than a personal pursuit. It has a huge impact on social existence as well. All over the world, success is taken as a barometer to measure prestige, influence, and social recognition. It determines how people are viewed, respected and appreciated in their societies. In addition, success can motivate others by elaborating what is possible and promoting social and cultural advancement. It promotes creativity, motivates collective efforts and drives a sense of purpose and belonging. On a more advanced level, the pursuit of success can lead to the formation of more refined and strong communities and societies, where individuals strive to succeed, collaborate and support one another in achieving common goals. So, this way success not only operates on an individual level but also as a communal unity as well.

Tricking your mind towards success in the five most effective ways

Paulo Coelho said:

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”

Success often generates in the mind. The way we imagine, it impacts our reality, determines our actions and ultimately influences our success. Learning to trick the mind into adopting a more successful mindset can be a game changer. The top five most effective ways to think big and elevate the path to success are discussed as below.

1. Visualize your success in detail

One of the very effective psychological techniques that can trick the mind into thinking that the task has been accomplished is the visualization technique. The brain becomes prone to the situation when one visualizes the success in-depth, which eventually leads it to achieve easily. Sparing a few minutes on an everyday basis visualizing oneself accomplishing the objectives, hearing the sounds, visualizing the sights and experiencing the feelings if it is happening in reality. These are the techniques that help in forming a mental road map for achievement, the exercise not only helps in boosting confidence but also motivation.

2. Reframing Failure as Learning

            “Failure is not the opposite of success. It is part of success”

One of the biggest hurdles that keeps one away from achieving success is fear of failure. But people who have achieved the glory of success are very well aware that no success is possible unless one dares to face failure.

            “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failures are the surest stepping stones to success.”

To trick the mind into understanding this concept, the approach to failure needs to be changed and failure needs to be taken as an opportunity to learn and improve. Every time one experiences a setback, one should spare time to reflect on what went wrong, what can be derived from it and how it can take you closer to the ultimate goal. This shift of the mindset can do wonders in removing the fear of failure and thus encouraging to make bigger and bolder decisions.

3. Adapt a growth Mentality

The growth mindset can ensure that abilities and intelligence can be enhanced through dedication and hard work. This perspective is reliable because it supports the capability rather than limitations. The mind can be tricked into adopting a growth mindset by instigating oneself to take every chance as an opportunity to grow. An approach like “I can’t do this“ can be changed to “I can’t do this yet, but I can learn.” By consistently trying to follow this mindset, one will eventually be able to face more challenges, thus working beyond the comfort zone.

 4. Practice Affirmations and Positive Self-talk:

Positive affirmations and constructive self-talk possess the power to lead the mindset toward success. Such affirmations daily possess the power to leave impacts on self-perception and escort the behavior. Declaring affirmation at the start of the day, such as “I possess the ability to accomplish bright successes” or “I am capable of transforming my circumstances” can do wonders. By consistently repeating uplifting statements one can convince the subconscious mind to accept them as truth, thereby enhancing self-confidence and adding great motivation to pursue the objectives.

5. Surround Yourself with big thinkers:

Bill Gates said:

“Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you and push you to be your best self”

It is mostly suggested to get associated with people who can significantly influence your mindset and aspirations. Being surrounded by people who think big, aim high and strive for success can deeply impact the mind into doing the same. Such people are capable of inspiring you to broaden your thinking, and challenge the limits, thus offering constructive insights. Connecting with like-minded, self-motivated individuals with forward-thinking minds, one can most likely embrace a more valuable perspective on possibilities, thereby advancing towards more bright accomplishment.


Having plans of high achievement is not something that a person is born with. It can be carved when a person has the guts to face the failures and learn from them, he should be open to welcome any growth-related ideas, he should also possess the ability to keep constructing pathway in his mind, he should also know how to strengthen good terms with people who are big dreamers. Thus it should always be remembered that making high plans will result in accomplishment with flying colors.

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